Events Calendar

Evaluation of Risks of Groundwater Quality Alteration in Recife Metropolitan Area (Pernambuco, Brazil) Using a Multi Tracer Approach
Wednesday 07 October 2015, 16:30

Evaluation of Risks of Groundwater Quality Alteration in Recife Metropolitan Area (Pernambuco, Brazil) Using a Multi Tracer Approach
Dr. Guillaume Bertrand
Instituto de Geociências - USP
Anfiteatro do IOUSP
7 de Outubro de 2015, 16:30


In a context of increasing land use pressures (over-exploitation, contamination of surface waters) and repeated droughts, identifying the processes affecting groundwater quality in coastal  etropolises in southern countries will condition their social and environmental sustainability in the long term. In this perspective, this work focused on the Recife Metropolitan Region (RMR), a highly urbanized area in Brazil, located next to an estuarial zone and over a multi-layered sedimentary system, on the Atlantic coast. By using a wide range of geochemical tools, the main objectives were to assess the hydrological and hydrochemical patterns of the local aquifers in order to understand which natural and human induced processes may alter the groundwater uses and its management.

Location Anfiteatro IOUSP
